MVPO facilitates Antwerp community SWOT meeting   

MVPO facilitates Antwerp community SWOT meeting   

Paulding County Economic Development Press Release                               February 26, 2023

MVPO facilitates Antwerp community SWOT meeting   

ANTWERP – The Antwerp community recently participated in a Strengths,Weaknesses ,Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) analysis with public input from village officials and community organization partners and residents.  32 guests participated in the public event, held at the Antwerp VFW community room.  The collaborative event was hosted by the Paulding County Economic Development office and Antwerp Planning and Zoning Commission, and facilitated by Estee Miller with Maumee Valley Planning Organization (MVPO).

Miller noted, “Conducting SWOT analyses allow us to gain an understanding of the needs of a community and how we (MVPO) can leverage strengths and opportunities to meet those needs.”

The Antwerp community is blessed with many organizations and groups that provide: government oversite, community fundraising and input, not-for-profit facilitation, and philanthropic input throughout the year.  Several of the noted groups that participated included: Antwerp Village Council, Carryall Township, Antwerp Chamber of Commerce, Antwerp Community Development Corporation (ACDC), Antwerp Rotary, Antwerp Community Improvement Corporation (CIC) and the Antwerp Planning and Zoning Commission.

Economic Development Director Tim Copsey set the stage, opening the meeting by explaining how the meeting came about: “While attending meetings with all of the Antwerp organizations, it was clear that each group has a goal or mission in mind to better the community.  There just didn’t seem to be a clear interweaving of information or definition that each group was aware, or understood the goals of the other groups.  This sharing of communication allows for all groups and community residents to collectively participate, and share, what each believes would be the pertinent pieces for a SWOT analysis”.

MVPO will take the data that was shared and gathered, and will develop a community survey.  The survey data will guide MVPO, and the village, when future grants become available.  Having data already collected saves time when grant application timelines are short.

This event follows similar events held around Paulding County.  MVPO facilitated a similar event recently in the Village of Oakwood and the Village of Latty hosted their own independent analysis.

The Antwerp Planning and Zoning Commission also held a brief business meeting during the event and shared several zoning maps in hope of receiving feedback for future thoughts in regard to the traffic thoroughfare in the community.

Learn more about the Village of Antwerp and for more information about Maumee Valley Planning Organization and their grant writing for Paulding, Defiance, Fulton, Henry, or Williams County contact them at 419-784-3882

Evaluation continues on Paulding County brownfield sites

Paulding County Economic Development Press Release                               February 22, 2023

Evaluation continues on Paulding County brownfield sites  

PAULDING – The Paulding County Land Reutilization Committee (Land Bank) recently met for their February meeting.  In addition to committee members, guests included the Ohio Brownfield Remediation Program EPA consultant Matt Wagner, with Tetra Tech, and Estee Miller, with Maumee Valley Planning Organization (MVPO).

Miller started the meeting updating the committee on many of the Ohio Blight program properties and introducing several agenda items that required decision and further discussion.  In addition, some of the projects needed some legal counsel with county prosecutor Joe Burkard.

The group was then updated by Wagner on the Brownfield clean-up projects in the county.  The project updates included: the Paulding Theatre and adjoining Noneman building, the 30-acre former Grizzley Asbestos Brake manufacturing facility, the 30-acre former Stokely Manufacturing facility, the Antwerp Park Station Bar building demolition; the Antwerp Sunoco gas station on West River Street, and the Grover Hill Depot building.  Many of these properties are awaiting final approvals from Ohio EPA testing, although the Grizzley property has been approved.  The EPA testing determined the required soil cap over all buried contaminants is solid and in place.  The group now awaits Army Corp of engineer approval to level ponds on the site.

New business included updates from both Tetra Tech and MVPO in regard to communication from Columbus about the potential of remaining brownfield funds being made available per county, and if a new round of funding will be issued with the next state budget.

Conversation then noted a recent downtown Paulding apartment fire.  The discussion then carried over into several potential properties around the county to review for remediation in the future.

For more information about Paulding County Land Reutilization committee or donating available properties, please reach out to the Paulding County Treasurer office 419-399-8281.

OhioMeansJobs presents to Paulding County Commissioners

Paulding County Economic Development Press Release                                   February 13, 2022

OhioMeansJobs presents to Paulding County Commissioners  

PAULDING – OhioMeansJobs (OMJ) representatives visited Paulding County to share information and answer questions here.

During some recent business retention and expansion (BR&E) visits in the county, HR Managers at manufacturing business sites shared some concerns and frustrations for their employees.  This was in regard to the current unemployment system and payments.  The concerns were noted by county Commissioner Mike Weible.  This meeting came at the request of Commissioner Mike Weible to county economic development Director Tim Copsey to see if there might be some local OMJ support members to see how they might help.

The meeting was attended by Rocky Rockhold, Greater Ohio Workforce Board; Jamie Stemen, Program Delivery Supervisor, Office of Workforce Development, Ohio Department of Jobs & Family Services (OJFS); Michael Burkholder, Workforce Specialist, Office of Workforce Development OJFS; Nathan Strange, Program Delivery Manager, Office of Workforce Development, OJFS; local contact Tiffany Goings, OhioMeansJobs Defiance/Paulding Counties, Workforce Supervisor; PC commissioners Mark Holtsberry, Lisa McClure, Weible, Copsey and Kristen Schilt with the PC Economic Development office.

Copsey introduced Burkholder who in turn introduced the team and shared how the offices work closely with the county through the communication and collaboration of Goings and Copsey at the local level, and how other branches and higher levels are pulled in as necessary.  This led to the sharing of questions and concerns from commissioners.

Rockhold stepped in and started from the top and shared how the “chain of command” works with the OhioMeansJobs hierarchy, including all that is involved from the federal level, all the way down through the state to the local level.  In sharing the information, it was emphasized that despite their many roles and divisions, the team really was there to help and get questions answered or requests guided in the right direction.  It was then realized that the unemployment questions and issues are not even covered in these branches of OhioMeansJobs, but actually from the Ohio unemployment side.  This is an entirely different division of offices in Ohio.  However, the representatives present could get the commissioners in touch with a contact from the unemployment division of the office at any time.

Once the unemployment information was understood, the conversation of all the additional pieces of help and collaboration that could take place with these representatives, was promoted.  The current programs funded by the group, and new opportunities that could be beneficial were all noted for future projects and discussion.

Copsey pointed out that Goings is an outstanding county resource and that on many visits to area businesses she is invited and attends.  This helps employers with workforce questions get answers both quickly and accurately and that the collaboration between offices remains strong.

All parties involved noted this was a very good meeting for learning and understanding and that a follow up meeting should be scheduled.

Career Day to be held April 4th 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Career Day to be held April 4th 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Paulding County Economic Development Press Release                             February 7, 2022

Career Day to be held April 4th 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

PAULDING, OH – The Paulding County Economic Development office is hosting the Annual Career Day on Tuesday, April 4th, from 8:00 am- 12:00 pm. The event is located at the Paulding County OSU Extension Building located at 503 Fairground Dr. Paulding, OH 45879.  Public is welcome to attend. High School Students from Antwerp, Paulding, Wayne Trace and Vantage Career Center, will be bussed in to meet and learn more about the businesses, colleges and non-profits in attendance.

“Last year we had a great turnout with over 40 businesses attend, we are hoping for another great event and encourage business looking for help to contact us for more information about attending this year’s event.” noted Paulding County Economic Development Office Manager, Kristen Schilt.

You can find out more about Paulding County Economic Development events and programs online at; on Facebook at Paulding County Economic Development; or email Kristen Schilt, Office Manager at


Paulding County Land Bank meets    

Paulding County Land Bank meets    

Pictured is the old Paulding Theatre and former Western Auto building located on West Perry Street in Paulding.  Advanced Demolition Service from McComb, Ohio has been awarded the bid for demolition this year.  The buildings are currently owned by the Paulding County Land Reutilization Committee.  The Western Auto building was donated to the committee by Bob & Gretchen Noneman.  


Paulding County Economic Development Press Release                             January 11, 2023

Paulding County Land Bank meets    

PAULDING – The Paulding County Land Reutilization Committee (aka Land Bank) met here recently to discuss the State of Ohio Brownfield remediation program and updates.  Topping the discussion was the awarding of the demolition bid for the old Paulding Theatre building and neighboring old Western Auto building.  The Western Auto building was donated to this demolition project by local residents Bob & Gretchen Noneman.

Matt Wagner, with the county EPA engineering firm Tetra Tech, was on hand for the meeting and stated, “We received a lot of local interest in the Theater project and it was a very competitive process.”  The contract award was made to Advanced Demolition Services of McComb, Ohio.  They won the award with a total bid of $144,226.00 for demolition, safe removal of all identified hazardous materials and asbestos products, remaining building materials and debris.  The Tetra Tech engineer estimate was $182,710.  There is still some final detail conversations taking place with the John Paulding Historical Museum Board of Directors on how to safely remove the old movie projectors, and also working with neighboring building owners during scheduled demolition.  Following final detail discussions demolition will take place yet this year.

Wagner also shared that the EPA studies have completed on the old Grizzley factory site.  The studies were to verify that all previous work completed during the destruction of the former asbestos brake pad facility, was carried out according to EPA health and safety procedures.   The studies confirmed the site is in compliance and the property is now allowed to change ownership if needed.

Discussions also continued in regard to the former Stokely facility property; the old Antwerp Marlin Sunoco property rehabilitation; and remediation of the old Grover Hill Depot building on the north side of the Fire Station.  Following the meeting, Estee Miller with Maumee Valley Planning Organization (MVPO) and Wagner were heading to Antwerp to open up the Park Station Bar building.  The purpose was to allow contractors a pre-bid visit and tour of the building and facility before bids are due for the demolition.

Conversation then turned more local as the committee received many updates from Miller about the State of Ohio Residential Blight program.  Paulding County submitted the most building removal bids in the six-county area with 27 buildings being removed and properties being remediated.  All of the property demolition bids have been awarded and many of the buildings are already removed.  Final payments will not be paid to contractors until spring when final ground leveling and grass seeding is complete.

Paulding County Economic Director Tim Copsey shared in follow up of the meeting, “The PCED office worked hard and made a concerted effort into these two state programs.  It took a lot of our time and resources but we didn’t want to look back and wonder, what could have been, if we didn’t try and use up all of these funds provided.  Some of these buildings and properties were absolutely a working part of our Paulding County history and meant a lot to many of the people in the county.  However, the buildings and land have seen their best days go by.  It was time to clean up and provide the opportunity to for a fresh start.”

It was shared by Miller that there could be a possibility of this program coming around again.  MVPO has established a place on their website to enter addresses for future review if the residential or commercial blight program does come around again.

In general business of the group, Commissioner Mike Weible was added to the committee to replace former Commissioner Roy Klopfenstein.  Klopfenstein recently resigned his position as commissioner to step into his newly elected position of State Representative for the 82nd District.

The committee will meet again on Wednesday, February 22 at the Commissioner’s office.

Paulding County Economic Development hosts annual banquet

Paulding County Economic Development hosts annual banquet

Paulding County Economic Development Press Release                             November 2, 2022

Paulding County Economic Development hosts annual banquet   

ANTWERP – The Paulding County Economic Development (PCED) office recently hosted their annual  Business and Industry Appreciation Banquet.  Over 200 guests gathered at Grant’s Catering in Antwerp to network and join in the evening event.

Key-note speaker for the evening was Dr. Marty Miller, Superintendent of Antwerp Local School.  Dr. Miller shared his Paulding County upbringing and compared the vast difference in today’s business climate with the climate when he graduated in the early 1980’s.  Dr. Miller emphasized that culture  trumps strategy, noting that the current business culture dictates future decisions for graduates each year.  As a Paulding County graduate, and now working with today’s youth, Dr. Miller has seen both ends of the spectrum first-hand.

PCED Office Manager Kristen Schilt presented four new county business videos to market the businesses to the group.  The videos for Ties & Bows Craft Shop, Antwerp; Pin-A-Rama Bowling, Diner & Pizza, Antwerp; Fur-Tastic Pups Dog Grooming, Cecil; and Maid to Achieve Cleaning Services, Paulding were created in conjunction with the Paulding Putnam Electric Co-op marketing team, PCED Board member Sarah Noggle and Schilt.

Economic Development Director Tim Copsey introduced PCED board members:  Larry Manz, President, representing business and industry; Jim States, Vice-President, Oakwood Development Corp; Jeff Mumma, Treasurer, Financial Institutions; Sarah Noggle, Secretary, OSU Extension; Mike Kauser, Township Association; Bud Koenig, Planning Commission; Greg White, Mayors Association; George Carter, Paulding Community Improvement Corporation; Brett Wagner, at-large member; Ryan Whitaker, at-large member; Don Oberlin, Antwerp/Payne/Paulding County Community Improvement Corporation; and Joe Burkard, legal council but non-voting member.

Copsey shared many incredible statistics in regard to the 2022 business success of Paulding County.  It was presented in the annual report that the current investment membership includes 234 business and individual entities from around the region.  There were ten of those businesses identified by having been investment members of PCED for 20 years:  Arthur Mutual Telephone Company, Paulding County Carnegie Library, Pleasant Valley Golf Course, Insource Technologies, Harrison Township, Tri-County Roofing, H.E.Orr Company, Village of Antwerp, Village of Cecil and the Village of Paulding.

Additionally, there was $65,302,241 capital investment reported by businesses in the county.  Another point was that there have been 22 commercial property sales reported in the county this year.  This brings the 3-year total to 56 properties changing hands since 2020.

Also noted was 191.92 new miles of fiber-optic cable put into the ground in 2022 with additional projects still being submitted.  The hope is to use high speed internet as a draw to keep young people in the county and to offer an opportunity to bring back those that work from home.

Copsey then shared a narrative of how the business climate may change in the future with two 1000+ acre “mega” development sites within 20 miles of Paulding County.  One is located just east of the Paulding County line in Defiance County, and the other in Van Wert County along US30.  The development of one, or both of these sites, could drastically change and affect the Paulding County economy unless we plan ahead.  There was additional presentation in regard to the subject.

PCED board President Larry Manz opened the event by welcoming attendees and sharing that for the second consecutive year, the economic development office posted 30% income growth over the previous year.  Following the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer, a nourishing meal was served by Grant’s.  Wonderful dinner music was provided by Vivace String Duo.