Busy Agenda for Paulding County Land Bank
Paulding County Economic Development Press Release September 11, 2024
PAULDING – The Paulding County Land Reutilization Committee held their monthly meeting at the Paulding County Commissioners office on September 11 and opened the meeting with a moment of silence.
Matt Wagner, with the county EPA consulting firm Tetra Tech was asked to first give updates on brownfield projects around the county. Wagner was very happy to announce that the former Liberty Fuel gas station property, located at 504 E. River Street in Antwerp, has received the final approval and clean bill of health. Tetra Tech has applied to the State of Ohio for the “No Further Action” letter for the property.
The former Grizzley Brake factory property, located at 710 W. Caroline Street in Paulding, has had the entire perimeter fence repaired and foliage has been mowed back about 40 feet within the fence perimeter. This allows the discussion to move forward with the current site owner, Cummins, and the county land bank committee for further remediation. There was no update in regard to the former Stokely factory site across the road from Grizzley.
The Land Bank has acquired the empty Patriot Rail mill building, located in Antwerp at 103 Cleveland Street. This will allow the building to be removed in the brownfield remediation program. The Paulding Village owned Winkle building, located at 105 N. Main Street in Paulding is scheduled to have asbestos remediation.
All brownfield and residential/commercial site remediation projects are on hold until the Ohio Department of Development issues approvals in regard to the applications submitted in late 2023 and early 2024. The hope is that news will be shared by the end of September so projects can begin to move forward.
The committee was given a brief update by Estee Blair about the 37 projects she has held up as she also waits on approvals from the Ohio Department of Development.
The discussion then turned to current owned properties and what the future plan for them might be. There will be signage put on the former theatre lot to indicate an intent to sell. There are four residential properties located in Scott, Ohio. At this time the committee agreed to hold on to them as they determine if grant funding might be available through the Welcome Home Ohio grant for help in making these available for future growth in the community.
There are four additional properties around the county waiting on various pieces of legal legislation or approvals for them to move forward with remediation. The committee did go into executive session to discuss the potential purchase of another property with no action taken following. The committee will meet again on October 9 in the commissioner chambers.