Genesis House Gets New Owners

Genesis House Gets New Owners

The Antwerp Chamber of Commerce welcomed the new owners the Genesis House this week with members of the Chamber of Commerce. The ribbon cutting is a standard procedure for new business in Antwerp, and new business owners is no different. Cris and Amy Hopkins took over the coffee house and restaurant location on April 1st from the previous owner, Cindy Yenser.

Pictured here (l-r) are: Sue Fowler, Denise Coleman, Mandy Miller, Cris, Amy, & Darci Hopkins, Tawnya English, Reta Ptak, and Mike Schneider

Paulding County Mayor’s Association Meets

Paulding County Mayor’s Association Meets

The Paulding County Mayors Association recently held its quarterly meeting at the Paulding County OSU Extension building here with all 11 of the county’s villages represented.

Paulding County Economic Development Director Tim Copsey asked the mayors to continue to develop their goals and strategies for infrastructure needs.

He explained that if “we can get a ‘top 5’ list of projects from each village that we could put them all together on a spreadsheet and let the mayors of the county view them and rank them by need. In doing this and adding a tentative timeline, the county may be able to get better funding in committing the majority of funds toward one large project in the county rather than spreading funding out over two or three projects each year.”

Copsey noted that the mayors have been asked to submit their list prior to the next meeting, which is planned in July.

Continuing with the collaboration discussion, Copsey also brought up the need to think about collaborating on projects. Rather than having two neighboring small villages invest in new water or sewer plants, he asked if a line from the reservoir could be run to have good water flowing all the time.

“Not only would it save costs on water plant operators it could also open up a lot of area supplied by municipal water and provide opportunity for further economic development, he stated. “It would take more than collaboration from the villages involved, it would also include discussion with township officials. The development of a water district would put Paulding County in the same development discussions with surrounding counties that have already made this move, and put us ahead of those counties that haven’t.”

Discussion will continue, Copsey added.

Paulding County EMA Director Ed Bohn presented the group with the tentative maximum amounts each village could possibly receive from the American Rescue Plan. Bohn noted that county and village distribution will come directly from the federal government. If the townships also receive funds they will come directly from Ohio. Although there is not a definitive list of what these funds can be used for, there was great discussion on tentative uses and projects these could not be used for.

Paulding Commissioner Roy Klopfenstein gave a history of the PC Land Reutilization Corporation and where it stands today including listing the board members: Klopfenstein, Commissioner Mark Holtsberry, Paulding County Treasurer Lou Ann Wannemacher, Paulding Mayor Greg White and local businessman Mike Kauser.

Klopfenstein wants the mayors group to continue to think about possible properties to submit for the PCLRC. Klopfenstein also took the time to follow up on some of the information Bohn had presented.

Each mayor was provided time to bring up any thoughts or questions to the group. There was discussion about condemning properties and better utilization of social services network connections were two topics along with the Paulding County EMA’s early involvement in flood and railroad mitigation.

Copsey rounded out the meeting by mentioning workforce development and the need for good village utility workers from around the county. He suggested that if any mayors or councils have suggestions on putting a training program together that there could be training help from Northwest State Community College or Vantage Vocational School as well as funding help from Ohio Means Jobs.

Copsey also noted that Maumee Valley Planning is a valuable resource that all villages should be using in any project or funding discussions.

Paulding Welcomes New Chamber Director

Paulding Welcomes New Chamber Director

For the past three and a half years the Paulding Chamber of Commerce has been directed by Mikayla Pieper, but now Mikayla has been called to Nebraska and is leaving Paulding. While sad to see her move on, the Chamber Board new it was time to look forward to a new Director who could take the organization into the future. After having ten applications come in with various interviews that soon followed, the board selected Erica Noggle as their next Paulding Chamber Director.

MS. Noggle started working April 5 at the Chamber office with Mikayla showing her the community businesses and Chamber members. Together they stopped in at West Bend Printing, your local newspaper and print shop, to introduce Erica to the Antwerp people.

Erica begins at Paulding coming from several years of experience in the Defiance Area Chamber of Commerce. She said she is very impressed with the Paulding office setup as the United Way, PC Area Foundation, PC Economic Development and more are all located in the same building, allowing for better communication and access to each others offices. The Paulding Chamber tries to work closely with Tim Copsey, Paulding County Economic Development Director.

Noggle is a Paulding County native. She lives with her three children and husband in the Wayne Trace school district.

She brings a wealth of experience to her new position. She previously worked for the Defiance Chamber of Commerce. Prior to being hired on as a full time employee, she spent a significant amount of time as a volunteer for the office.

To be hired on Noggle was required to successfully complete the hiring process that included three interviews. At the end of the third interview she was offered the job and she enthusiastically accepted.

Noggle is excited for her new role. “I get to be involved in the community and I get to do it in my home county,” she commented. She stated that she loved her time in Defiance, but being closer to home has a wealth of advantages.

One thing that Erica intends to continue is the social media and the new corporate video introductions that she and Mikayla are working on together. The Chamber After hours will soon migrate to the virtual membership highlighting businesses, networking, marketing and job creation.

She states that she is not looking to change anything immediately, “I don’t want to just change things – some things are already working and successful.” Instead she hopes to, “create a role for myself to cater to the needs [of the community and county’].”

Pieper commented about transitioning from the position, “I am excited for her. It was a fun time getting to know businesses and giving back to the community.”

If you need to join the Paulding Chamber, give Erica a call or send her an email and she will be glad to get your business setup and promoted through the Chamber.

PC Workshop Receives PCED Membership Award

PC Workshop Receives PCED Membership Award

What can you say about PC Workshop that can remotely compare to what they do for Paulding County? PC Workshop is another business receiving their 20 year investment membership award this year. The forward thinking of Director, Megan Sierra, and her entire team, supported by our county MRDD Board, in developing the Limitless retail store is truly an inspiration for the ages. The PCED office acknowledges everyone involved with the PC Workshop team and thanks you for your 20 years of continued membership support!
Your PCED office wasn’t able to host our annual appreciation banquet in 2020, but it didn’t mean we didn’t have great things happening. 2020 was the 20th year of having an Economic Development office in Paulding County. With that we want to acknowledge and thank those that have been investment members with PCED since the beginning. THANK YOU! It is partners like you that keep us all #pauldingcountystrong
Paulding Council Hears Business Wants to Expand

Paulding Council Hears Business Wants to Expand

Public comments took up over half of Paulding Village Council’s regular meeting Monday, March 1, with plans shared for a possible business expansion and some intense discussion surrounding a few hot-button issues.

Businessman Jim Estle presented some plans to expand his used car business on East Perry Street (U.S. 127) at the bridge. He would to like to add a two-bay service department as well as a paved lot for another 50-70 cars.

Estle noted the service department would be open seven days a week until midnight and would create four jobs.

However, his property is landlocked except for a vacant lot to his south owned by the library. Estle hopes to buy or lease that land. Village officials advised Estle to contact the library board.

At the last meeting Feb. 16, council approved an emergency ordinance issuing a one-year moratorium on constructing new commercial buildings in the central business district. The question was raised whether the moratorium could impact Estle’s proposed plans. After much debate, officials said they believe the land in question is not included in the central business district.

Mayor Greg White noted council has to to approve any construction in the village. Plans and permits are required.

The building moratorium was brought up again when resident Matt Sunday addressed council with a lengthy list of questions and concerns.

Sunday asked for an explanation on why council passed the measure as an emergency instead of going through three readings. White responded, “There are times when the council probably feels … they need to have some kind of control over who, what is coming to town, where they’re coming to town, and so on.”

Sunday questioned whether officials were trying to stop someone from coming into town.

“I don’t have any comment,” White said.

He then added, “They felt it was something, at this point in time, it was the best decision for the village.”

Sunday asked, “was there someone breaking ground with a shovel the next day?” Councilman Dan Workman answered, “I don’t know how much of this we’re allowed to talk about … there was talk of that, and when you have all the vacant buildings that we have, that’s the reason for the (emergency) voting of the moratorium.”

Sunday also asked about snow removal around the square. Council said the county commissioners contract for the area inside of the square, around the courthouse. The village is responsible for the parking areas around the outside of the square.

The mayor pointed out the village’s first responsibility is for clearing the streets and residential areas for police, fire and EMS access.

During a snow emergency, apartment residents may park their vehicles at the village lot across from the Mexican restaurant.

For the second consecutive meeting, Sunday asked about enforcing the junk ordinance.

“You’re complaining to the wrong people,” Mayor White said. “When we had Mayor’s Court, we didn’t have this problem.” Junk ordinance violations are not prosecuted through municipal court.

Sunday complained about police giving the names of people who report junk violations, saying the practice discourages residents from contacting police.

Solicitor Harvey Hyman suggested that if residents have problem with a neighbor, they should try speaking to the neighbor before involving the police.

Turning to other matters, Councilman Randy Daeger reported the utilities committee discussed water leaks on residential property. It had been policy to offer a one-time annual credit in case of a leak. The committee recommended no longer offering credits.

If a resident has a leak, they have 72 hours to have it repaired before the water is shut off.

The committee heard concerns from Baker-Shindler Ready Mix about the recently approved water rate increase and its potential to adversely affect the business. Daeger said the committee will have another meeting and try to find a way to help resolve the situation.

Daeger reported the buildings and grounds committee met and considered the color of street lights around the square. Officials would like all lights to be the same color. They are asking residents for their input. Comments may be left on the village’s Facebook page.

The committee also discussed purchasing a vacant lot in the 100 block of South Williams Street. They recommended a $4,000 counteroffer. Administrator Jason Vance was given the okay to proceed with negotiations.

Vance announced bids were opened Monday for grant-funded skatepark equipment. He wants to move forward with the contract process, pending review by Maumee Valley Planning Organization.

Finance Director Zoe McMaster reported an ad has been placed for hiring pool lifeguards and concession workers this season and she has acquired the concession license.

McMaster updated council on income tax receipts, which are ahead of one year ago at this time.

In other business, council:

• Approved a park board request to proceed with installing a “Take A Book, Leave A Book” or “Little Free Library” station at LaFountain Park. Up to three locations may be established around town.

• Heard the first reading of Ordinance 1614-21 to change zoning classification of certain school-owned lots at Water and Wall streets.

• Heard the second reading of Ordinance 1611-21 prohibiting through traffic in the east-west alley bounded by Coupland, Perry, Summit and Jackson streets.

• Heard Councilmen Daeger, Barb Rife, David Burtch and Tim Boss will be up for re-election this year. Anyone interested in running for a council seat can pick up a petition at the election board office and are due by Aug. 4.

• Reminded residents that committee meetings and other meeting information is posted on the village’s website.

Committee meetings scheduled were:

• Salary and allowance and recreation joint committee meeting at 4:30 p.m. March 10 regarding pay for summer pool employees.

• Utility committee, 5 p.m. March 10, for further discussion of commercial water rates and downtown street lights.

• Ordinance committee, 5:30 p.m. March 10, to discuss a vacant building registration ordinance. Hyman encourages property owners and residents to attend and participate.

The next regular council meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. Monday, March 15. Watch via Zoom at https://us02web.- The meeting ID number is 445 135 2151.

Grant’s Catering Adjusts Business Model

Grant’s Catering Adjusts Business Model

ANTWERP – Grant’s Catering has made an adjustment in their catering venue. On Friday, August 28, Grant’s Catering will introduce the Grant’s Catering and Smokin’ Wheels BBQ trailer. It will make its debut in a grand opening event in downtown Antwerp. The newly finished, dual axel travel kitchen, will serve up brisket, ribs, chicken & more for lunch from 11am-1pm and dinner from 5pm-7pm that evening. The trailer will be located that evening in front of the historic FORD Garage on Main Street.

Due to mandated social distancing requirements and regulated gathering numbers of patrons, Grant’s existing catering business, both at their Antwerp building facility and reception events all around the area, were severely downsized or many even worse, cancelled. As the mandates wore on through May, June and July, owner Brandon Grant knew that their business must modify and adjust or it would basically just dry up.

Closely following the food industry trends, Brandon knew that food trailers were becoming all the rage. Taking a chance, the Grant’s have designed and invested in a trailer that can go where the events are, or make their own to possibly help save the Grant’s catering business. Knowing of some existing food trailer venues already, Brandon hopes to test the waters with his new trailer at this Antwerp kick-off event. They would like to work with Antwerp and surrounding
communities in developing some additional events that might allow social distancing, food and fun, especially on Friday evenings since attendance at football games will now be limited.

If you would like to know more about Grant’s new travel trailer catering option or even make plans to host an event with the trailer or just the old fashion way at their hall, you can call 419-258-2233 or visit the website at