What can you say about PC Workshop that can remotely compare to what they do for Paulding County? PC Workshop is another business receiving their 20 year investment membership award this year. The forward thinking of Director, Megan Sierra, and her entire team, supported by our county MRDD Board, in developing the Limitless retail store is truly an inspiration for the ages. The PCED office acknowledges everyone involved with the PC Workshop team and thanks you for your 20 years of continued membership support!
Your PCED office wasn’t able to host our annual appreciation banquet in 2020, but it didn’t mean we didn’t have great things happening. 2020 was the 20th year of having an Economic Development office in Paulding County. With that we want to acknowledge and thank those that have been investment members with PCED since the beginning. THANK YOU! It is partners like you that keep us all #pauldingcountystrong