In its ongoing commitment to foster economic growth and connect job seekers with opportunities, the Paulding County Economic Development (PCED) office has recently transitioned to recommending the use of OhioMeansJobs’ (OMJ) exceptional job portal, for both job seekers and employers.

For a few years, PCED maintained a job list on its website (, providing a valuable resource for local job seekers. However, with the dynamic nature of the job market, including filled positions, new job opportunities, and high turnover rates, it became challenging to ensure the accuracy of the list.

Seeing the need for a more up-to-date platform, PCED is now encouraging the community to utilize OhioMeansJobs’ ( job portal that offers a comprehensive and accurate representation of the local job market. Our local OhioMeansJobs office, is located at 252 Dooley Dr. Paulding, OH 45879.

Here are some additional offerings that employers should take advantage of through OMJ:

  1. Pre-hire Testing: OMJ streamlines hiring for employers with cost-saving candidate assessments, ensuring a thorough evaluation before hiring decisions.
  2. Top of Form
  3. Offset Cost for New Hires: Recognizing the financial challenges of hiring new employees, OMJ supports employers by offsetting costs, covering six months of wages for new hires.*
  4. Resume Building: The office offers assistance in resume building, helping job seekers present their skills and experiences effectively to potential employers. *

*Individuals must qualify for service. OhioMeansJobs will conduct an evaluation to determine eligibility.

PCED is committed to supporting the local workforce and enhancing employment in Paulding County. By using the features of OMJ, job seekers and employers can benefit from a more streamlined and accurate job matching process.

For more information or to connect with OMJ workforce supervisor and career coaches, visit the OhioMeansJobs office at 252 Dooley Dr. Or, you can contact Paulding County Economic Development at 419-399-8295 to get connected and take the step towards advancing your career or finding the right talent for your business.