Episode 100!! Can you believe we have recorded 100 episodes of Paulding County Business Weekly? This week, My102.7 FM Station Manager Joe Barker, Station Engineer Terry Carwile, and Economic Development Director Tim Copsey sat down to discuss and reminisce about where it all began and how we developed the idea of PCBW. Thank you to OhioMeansJobs, My102.7 FM, West Bend Printing & Publishing, Natural Design & Graphics, our show guests, and our listeners for nearly 4 years of fantastic collaboration! PCBW would not be possible without YOU! #pauldingcountystrong! You can tune in to Paulding County Business Weekly on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Listen to this episode or catch up on past ones online by Clicking Here or on many podcast platforms including Apple, Google & Spotify.
PCBW Episode 100 – Tim Copsey, Terry Carwile, Joe Barker (Paulding County Economic Development, My102.7 FM)
by Isabella Carwile | Jan 28, 2025 | Community, Paulding County Business Weekly Radio Broadcast, PCED Office, Shoutout