Antwerp/Payne/Paulding County CIC chooses logo; establishes property committee

Antwerp/Payne/Paulding County CIC chooses logo; establishes property committee

Paulding County Economic Development Press Release                                      August 29, 2022

Antwerp/Payne/Paulding County CIC chooses logo; establishes property committee 

ANTWERP, OH – The Antwerp/Payne/Paulding County Community Improvement Corporation (CIC) board reviewed several new logo samples this month, as the discussion of a positive branding and marketing image continues.  Alex Hindenlang, an Antwerp alum, created the logos at the request of the board.    Upon review and discussion, a logo was chosen and voted on with some minor adjustments requested.  The logo was made with a universal feature that will also allow the other CIC groups in the county the freedom to use their current entity name in the same logo, so that residents around the county will become familiar with, and recognize the logo immediately.

The CIC board continues to watch for development opportunities around the county.  The discussion this month was in regard to how the CIC might get involved with purchasing residential properties that are the right fit for getting them into the hands of future home owners, not renters.  In order to have a grasp on any upcoming properties, a Property Assessment Committee (PAC) sub-committee was established by the board to oversee and find opportunities.

Board members Tyson Mowery, Denise Coleman and Antwerp Mayor Jan Reeb will head this committee with input from the other board members and any interested residents of Paulding County communities.  Research will begin to get a list of properties developed for immediate review.

In other business the board:

  • heard updates on current owned and option properties and their status for remediation or development. Discussion also carried into potential purchasing property with current options in place
  • received an update from board treasurer Anita Bok and President Tom VanVlerah about the success of the recent state audit. Minor findings for record retention and storage were already addressed and resolved with the help of Antwerp Village Administrator Brian Davis and Mayor Jan Reeb.
  • discussed gathering potential board member names to have a pipeline of contacts in place for future open positions.

The board will next meet on September 22 at 6pm at the Antwerp Depot.  For immediate information or property discussions please reach out and contact the Paulding County Economic Development office at 419-399-8295.

Business & Industry Appreciation Banquet on Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Business & Industry Appreciation Banquet on Tuesday, November 1, 2022

We appreciate and thank you for being a member of the Paulding County Economic Development (PCED) Investment Team!

The PCED board of directors and staff invite you to attend our upcoming Business & Industry Appreciation Banquet on Tuesday, November 1, 2022, at Grant’s Catering in Antwerp. Social Hour will be from 5:30-6:30 pm and dinner will be served at 6:30 pm.

As a membership benefit, you have access to two complimentary banquet reservations. Please RSVP here by October 11th: . Additional tickets can be purchased for $30. Payment can be taken ahead of time or the night of the banquet.

Feel free to call the office at 419-399-8295 with any questions or to RSVP.

Paulding County Economic Development Board sees positive outlook

PAULDING – The Paulding County Economic Development (PCED) Board met this week with all board members present.  John Kobee, President of PCED Diamond Investment Member Antwerp Exchange Bank, and former PCED Board Chair, was invited to update the board about the bank.  Kobee spoke on current events with the bank branches in Antwerp, Payne and Harlan, IN, and shared some incite on current banking conditions.  Kobee also shared what it means for the bank to be an active community participant and investment member with the PCED office.  The group agreed in whole that this collaboration is beneficial to both parties and all the residents and communities they serve.

PCED Director Tim Copsey then updated the board on office business.  Copsey announced the Small Business Innovation Center, which is a small business incubator office space managed by the PCED office, is at capacity.  The eight finished offices are all currently being rented.  Discussion with the board followed as there is still room for two additional spaces to be developed.  The board approved estimates be obtained to develop these last two spaces.  A determination from the board of how to move forward will take place upon receipt of the estimates.

It was shared that private membership investment into the PCED office is up 13.5% over the 2021 record year.  At this point in 2022 there have been 31 new investment members added to the roster.  Copsey asked the board to continue providing investor leads for the office to follow up on and add as potential opportunities to add even more members in the future.

Discussion took place in regard to the strategic plan for Paulding County.  A draft of decided goals was recently presented from the board.  Copsey presented some possible tracking for reaching those goals to the group.  Pertinent discussion followed and a decided forward path was developed.  This path will tie into future director presentations to the board and will be monitored for depth of value in the future.

Copsey shared that it has recently been agreed by all three county community improvement groups in the county (Antwerp/Payne/Paulding County, Paulding Village & Oakwood Village) to collectively meet and share some thoughts and ideas.  This has been discussed in the past but this was the first time it was suggested by the groups themselves.  A near future date will be set for the discussion.

The regular business agenda followed including:

Board consent for Copsey to attend the upcoming annual Ohio Economic Development Summit in Dublin, OH October 4-6.

Banquet update for the annual event to be held at Grant’s Catering in Antwerp November 1, 2022

Financial Committee update to discuss current budget and projections.

Executive session to discuss future salary and benefit packages for new and existing office employees.

The board will meet again in a regular meeting on Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Paulding County All CIC Meeting Success

PAULDING – Collaboration continues to be the theme in Paulding County and this week was an exciting culmination of that.  For the first time in many years, and perhaps ever, the three county Community Improvement Corporations (CIC) met jointly around the same table, in the same meeting, to discuss moving Paulding County forward together.

Members from the Antwerp/Payne Paulding County CIC, Oakwood Development Corporation (ODC) and Paulding CIC followed an agenda developed by county Economic Development Director Tim Copsey.

“Since I began in this role it has been a goal to get all three of these powerful entities together to possibly work collaboratively.  They all do tremendous things in their own local areas and each are represented on the county Economic Development Board, but beyond those meetings there isn’t any sharing of thoughts or discussion.  There have been some obstacles in the past, but little by little members have changed, philosophy has changed, and maybe even some old burned bridges have been mended or rebuilt.  We would like to think our office had a little to do with that, but however it happened, we are excited for this positive meeting and momentum,” stated Copsey.

Copsey shared about how the Northwest Ohio Regional Economic Development (NORED) group works with area county economic development directors meeting and sharing ideas; shared the same about the Northeast Indiana Regional Growth Partnership; then updated the group on a recent meeting with eight area economic development directors from Steuben, Dekalb, Allen and Adams Counties in Indiana and Williams, Defiance, Paulding and Van Wert Counties in Ohio.  It was noted that if these collaborative meetings can work why not our three entities working together right here for the overall good of Paulding County?

Lively discussion followed about the possibilities but it was quickly noted that nothing would happen without funding.  The discussion then turned to the Land Reutilization Committee and Paulding County Area Foundation Director being invited to see if there might be further collaboration involved to get projects rolling together.  There was also in-depth discussion about establishing fundraising event opportunities to develop seed money.

The excitement was enough that there is already a follow-up meeting scheduled for the group to meet again in August to review initial thoughts and decide how to develop a collective plan forward.  For more information or questions about any of the CIC groups in the county contact the PCED office at 419-399-8282.


Business owner receives support to make building enhancements.

Business owner receives support to make building enhancements.

Paulding County Economic Development Press Release June 23, 2022

Business owner receives support to make building enhancements.

PAULDING, OH – Cassidy Atkins entrepreneur and owner of Fur-Tastic Pups Dog Grooming in Cecil, OH is the first recipient of the Small Business Support Loan through the Paulding County Economic Development (PCED) office. This fund was made possible by the Paulding County Area Foundation and was established just three months ago to help small businesses in Paulding County.

Having met with PCED, Atkins shared the need at her facility to have a door installed in an exterior wall to allow for the dogs to access the outdoors and fenced-in yard. PCED was able to share the Small Business Support Loan opportunity with Atkins, where she applied and was accepted to be loaned funds to help move the project forward.

Paulding County Economic Development Director, Tim Copsey noted, “Partnering with the Paulding County Area Foundation has allowed this first opportunity for a small business to happen. In a time when things are very uncertain, being able to offer something like this to small businesses reassures them Paulding County is business friendly and that our not for profit groups are supportive. We are excited for Cassidy and her business. This is just the beginning for this program.”

Fur-Tastic Pups is a full-service, bath and grooming salon for dogs. Atkins opened her doors in April and is currently accepting new clients. You can find Fur-Tastic Pups on Facebook or call 419-670-8802.

To learn more about programs and resources available for small businesses check out the PCED website at; or email Kristen Schilt, Office Manager at

Collaboration builds and supports Paulding County business growth

Collaboration builds and supports Paulding County business growth

Paulding County Economic Development Press Release April 27, 2022

Collaboration builds and supports Paulding County business growth PAULDING COUNTY, OH – The Paulding County Area Foundation (PCAF) and the Paulding County Economic Development (PCED) office have once again collaborated to promote Paulding County business growth. The PCAF has contributed $20,000 to the PCED office to be used in small business loans. The loans can be used for any variety of expenses that could include: business start-up costs, equipment upgrades, facade improvements, etc. It would be asked that the loans be paid back, at a very low interest rate over an extended period of time, so that the funds would continue to be available for future businesses and investment.

Tim Copsey, PCED Director explained, “The partnership between these two county entities has always been strong. Lisa (McClure) and her board have been one of the biggest supporters of PCED, all the way down to providing us office space. But this collaboration piece goes above and beyond, in true promotion of business growth and expansion in the county. If we could turn this money over two or three times, just imagine how many businesses this could touch and support around the county.”

The conversations began with PCAF Director Lisa McClure and Copsey discussing the surrounding counties and how their foundations were interacting with economic development. Some were heavily involved, some weren’t involved at all. The question became if PCAF and PCED wanted to develop and test a new opportunity and begin something that could offer a small, but quick benefit to the county business community.

“During covid there were businesses that stated they would do some growth or expansion but just needed a little seed money to get started. They weren’t exactly sure how covid was going to affect their bottom line. It would have been great to have this in place to help them jumpstart their ideas,” stated Copsey. “Since covid has tapered off, similar type of requests continue to come into the office. We believe this loan program will really assist in putting these small ideas into real projects that assure businesses of their idea and perhaps further enhance business, employment, include financial institutions, and basically grow the county bottom line” he continued.

McClure presented the opportunity to her PCAF board and they were in full support, “Our board was fully engaged in this grant opportunity. Promoting growth to the residents of Paulding County, in part, is the mission statement of the Paulding County Area Foundation. We look forward to many more partnerships with Paulding County Economic Development as we continue to further enhance the business of Paulding County”.

Loan applications are available through the PCED office. For those that employ less than ten full-time employees, and meet the established eligibility guidelines, there will be loans of up to $2500 considered. The business that qualify will receive their funds and have a ninety day grace period before a repayment schedule is provided for payment over the next 18 months. All repaid loan funds will be returned back into the account for future use.

“We cannot thank Lisa and the Paulding County Area Foundation board enough for believing in us enough to make these funds available and helping develop this opportunity” closed Copsey. The Paulding County Area Foundation contributed funds to the Paulding County Economic Development office to be made available for area businesses. The collaboration will allow businesses that have ten full time employees or less to apply for a low interest improvement loan.

Pictured above (L-R): Area Foundation Director Lisa McClure, Economic Development Director Tim Copsey, and George Carter, member of both boards.